e-cigarettes cancer risk
I am a smoker for more than a decade now and I’ve always wanted to
quit smoking but I don’t know how. I know that smoking cigarettes have major
risk in having cancer but I can’t help my addiction to cigarettes. I started
smoking cigarettes since I was in high school and it was a long time ago. My
parents even scolded me up until now, they want me to quit smoking cigarettes
and I am struggling each and every day how to quit or should I say how to start
quitting. My grandfather died because of cancer and he was smoking cigarettes
too during his younger years. I know that smoking really has a high risk for a
person to have cancer. Smoking is just simply killing yourself each and every
day you smoke that’s why I really wanted to quit smoking.
I’ve made my research on how to start quitting smoking and upon my
research I came across an alternative way. Have you ever heard about
e-cigarettes? Actually, e-cigarettes are cigarettes that are electronic and
they also have different flavors to choose from. E-cigarettes are less harmful
and don’t have any risk for cancer compared to smoking tobaccos. Today, a huge
number of smokers switch to e-cigarettes for a reason that they don’t want to
get cancer from smoking tobacco and then some also say that smoking
e-cigarettes is a jump start to actually quit smoking. I’ve also thought about
it to start smoking e-cigarettes aside from smoking the regular tobacco
cigarette. But for me I will not stick to e-cigarettes that long all I wanted is
just a jump start to actually quit smoking. I know that e-cigarettes have low
or don’t have risk for cancer. It is one of the greatest technologies that is
developed and for sure it is a big help for struggling smokers who want to quit
just like myself.
I am positive and determine to try the e-cigarette and I am really
hoping that this could help me in my quest to quit smoking. I think it will
help me jump start my desire to quit smoking and I hope e-cigarettes could
really help me. I am willing to try this alternative way or should I say I
healthy way of smoking. I want to buy e-cigarettes as soon as possible so that
I could actually try it for myself and testify the result. I know it is very
hard to quit smoking, if you are not a smoker, you can just really say how easy
it is to quit but for us smokers, it is a day to day battle on how to quit
The reason that I also want to quit smoking is for me to be
healthy. I don’t want to die with cancer too just like my grandfather that’s
why while it is early I would like to quit smoking. I hope I could succeed on
this and I hope that e-cigarettes could be of help to me. I am looking forward
for my success and hopefully I could be proud of myself that I fought a good
battle on how to quit smoking.
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